Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for you and your spouse to reconnect. re|engage brings couples together to learn about God’s design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship. There is hope for your marriage. Couples have seen their marriages transformed in spite of infidelity, apathy, conflict, divorce, and other marital issues.Leaders: Todd and Erica Sartwell
MERGE prepares couples for more than just a wedding day. It creates a safe environment where they can learn about God’s design for marriage and process next steps and grow to a new level in their relationship. MERGE helps seriously dating and engaged couples to prepare for a lifetime of marriage by exploring common challenges faced by couples from a biblical perspective in a fun and authentic environment.
Embrace the history of the area and start making some of your own with the Weekend to Remember marriage retreat in Norfolk, Virginia. Are you looking to get away with your spouse and spend a few days working on your relationship? Sign up for a quick getaway where your marriage is the primary focus, and you can start restoring the romance right away. Use the code "TheFirstNorfolk" for the group name. Save 50% for a limited time by clicking/tapping the registration link below.