Trunk or Treat is our annual event at the end of October that draws our church family and neighbors together so we can get to know one another. Adults have fun decorating their vehicles and handing out treats, and of course the kids like the treats. It's a safe and friendly environment for the entire family. You can volunteer to provide your vehicle/help someone else or donate candy. To volunteer, you must be a member of First Norfolk or a LIFEgroup. If you are interested in helping with Trunk or Treat, please contact Julie Hunt,, or Jan Frost, , to register or for more information. Click the button below to sign up. MORE INFO REGISTER
Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for you and your spouse to reconnect. re|engage brings couples together to learn about God’s design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship. There is hope for your marriage. Couples have seen their marriages transformed in spite of infidelity, apathy, conflict, divorce, and other marital issues. Leaders: Todd and Erica Sartwell For Questions Email:
re:generation is spiritual formation through the vehicle of a 12-Step program. The goal for participants is full-devotion to Christ in all areas of life. With this as the foundation, some of the main differences between re:generation and other recovery ministries include: A discipleship focus, daily lessons, emphasis on scripture memory and prayer, integration and participation with the church, real time leadership training, and no separation based on struggle. You’re not alone. We all have struggles to overcome. Whether big or small, these destructive thoughts and habits hold us back from the life we want—and the life God calls us to live. Leader: Pastor Jeremy Gupton For Questions email:
MERGE prepares couples for more than just a wedding day. It creates a safe environment where they can learn about God’s design for marriage and process next steps and grow to a new level in their relationship. MERGE helps seriously dating and engaged couples to prepare for a lifetime of marriage by exploring common challenges faced by couples from a biblical perspective. Leaders: Marving and Lucia Farmer For Questions email:
The Harbor is a mentoring ministry for moms. This incredible opportunity is for moms of all ages and in all stages at First Norfolk and in our community. We know that parenting well does not happen without intentionality and investment. Limited Childcare available.
If you've ever felt like you just can't get control of your money, you're not alone. You'd be surprised how many people you know are struggling like you. But it's time for your struggle to end - starting today. Limited childcare is available by registration.Leader: Mike Kynett For Questions Email:
Growth Track is a four part journey where you will learn our story as a church, God’s plan, and your part in it. Sunday morning sessions meet during the 10:30am hour on four consecutive Sundays of ODD months starting in September.
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. But your grief continues and you feel alone. Often, friends and family want to help you, but don't know how. That's the reason for GriefShare. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We understand how you feel because we've been in the same place. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future. For Questions email:
It’s more than a study. It’s life together. New Young Adults LIFEgroups launch throughout the week! Interested in getting connected to a new group? Email You can also join the daily study through Genesis with other young adults using the YouVersion app. Select the button below to join the study!
In-Person + OnlineBegins in September Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom Two thousand years ago, John's Revelation was circulated and read aloud among seven churches in Asia Minor. Those who heard the letter understood it and drew encouragement from its message. The same can be true for you today. In this Bible study, Jen Wilkin helps you discover how the last book of the Bible - the culmination of God's great story - speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.
This Fall there are a few additional Women’s Bible Studies available. Click the link below to register.
You're Invited - COME AND JOIN US! Young at Heart Program - Food, Fun, and Fellowship for All Senior Adults! The program (including lunch) is $8. We can't wait to see you then!