Worship Family Calendar of Events

Wednesday’s – Choir and Orchestra Rehearsal, 6-7:30 pm (changes will be listed below)

Save the Dates:

  • Sunday, February 23, 9:00 & 10:30 am - Express Choir and Orchestra leading Worship
  • Tuesday, February 25, 2:30 pm – Senior Choir Ministry Visit to Discovery Commons
  • Sunday, March 2, 9:00 & 10:30 am - Express Choir and Orchestra leading Worship
  • Wednesday, March 5, 6:00 pm – Choir and Orchestra Ministry Visit and Dinner
    **No Choir or Orchestra Rehearsal.**
  • Sunday, March 16, 9:00 & 10:30 am - Express Choir and Orchestra leading Worship
  • Tuesday, March 18, 10:30 am – Senior Choir Ministry Visit to First Colonial Inn and Lunch
  • Sunday, April 6, 9:00 & 10:30 am - Express Choir and Orchestra leading Worship
  • Wednesday, April 9, 6:00 pm – Choir and Orchestra Ministry Visit and Dinner **No Choir or Orchestra Rehearsal.**
  • Sunday, April 20, Easter 9:00 & 10:30 am - Express Choir and Orchestra leading Worship
  • Sunday, December 7, Christmas Celebration


    On select Sundays, we invite you to join the express choir! If you love singing and can’t commit to a full rehearsing choir, this is for you. No auditions. No complicated sheet music. No experience necessary. No obligation to sing every time. Meet in the choir room 15 min before the service.

    Songs are linked in This Week at First email

    We have several opportunities for vocalists and instrumentalists wishing to serve in worship gatherings here at First Norfolk. Being a part of these groups requires a calling and commitment, as each is involved in weekly services as well as special events throughout the year. Each Sunday morning, a combination of these groups lead our church in worship, but no one group leads every week. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a part of these groups please check out the information below and fill out the interest form.


    The Worship Family choir and orchestra gathers each Wednesday to practice at 6 PM in the Music Suite.


    This dedicated group of worship leaders practices on Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the choir room and leads on some Sunday morning. The group is open to all ages and no audition is needed. The Covid pandemic provided a combined monthly ministry with musical visits to those in our family who needed encouragement. We plan to continue this outreach. 


    The Vocal Praise team consist of committed members of the Worship Family by audition only. This team puts in extra hours of rehearsal and leads the church in worship some Sunday mornings.


    The Band Vocal Team consists of committed members that are auditioned. This team puts in extra hours of rehearsal and leads the church in worship some Sunday mornings. Experience singing to clicks/tracks is a plus, but not required.


    The Worship Orchestra sometimes plays in Sunday morning services. It is made up of individuals who have at least an intermediate skill level in their chosen instrument. A weekly rehearsal is held on Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the orchestra room.


    The Rhythm Section consists of highly skilled individuals who play often on Sunday morning gatherings. This group is joined by audition only.


    The band rhythm section consists of committed members dedicated to weekly/bi-weekly rehearsals. Tram members are expected to be able to play to a click track and be able to play off chord sheets.


    What does it mean to praise and worship Almighty God, the God of the Bible?
    To worship God is to express our love and awe of who He is. In Isaiah 66:1 God says “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool.” He is the Creator of the universe and everything in it, which includes me and you. God sees us as significant. How wonderful and amazing is that?
    The foundation of our praise is rooted in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Out of that relationship God desires us to live all of our moments as a worshipper. True worship requires total commitment of our body, mind and spirit. It’s about exalting, adoring and acknowledging the God of the Bible. It has nothing to do with religion, but it has everything to do with having an intimate and profound relationship with God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    Why Worship?

    When it comes to preparing for gathered worship, the key is to understand you and I are on a journey. We want to be on a progression of some kind during any particular worship gathering.  God promises to be with us when two or three gather in His name. God is wanting to bring you and me to a place of encounter with Him. This is not necessarily why we worship but rather what occurs when we worship in genuine spirit and truth.

    The section of the journey we find ourselves on during a particular worship gathering is part of a bigger pilgrimage we're on during our weeks, months and years as a church family.  Keep this in mind and enjoy the journey. Think journey!

    How to Worship?

    The best worship occurs from the inside-out. Worship is born from the revelation of God as found in His word, our times of prayer, and personal experiences where we encounter the presence of God. Too often a person can simply look good on the outside while the true test is this: when we take the deep look inside, is there something of substance from within?



    Neal Johnson | Worship Pastor and Worship Leader | njohnson@firstnorfolk.org
    Lance Walters | Band and Worship Leader | lwalters@firstnorfolk.org
    Elisabeth Addis | Worship Orchestra Director | orchestra@firstnorfolk.org
    Tammy Hockman | Worship Arts Assistant | thockman1@firstnorfolk.org


    why am I here? why do I need God?


    First Baptist Norfolk

    312 Kempsville Road
    Norfolk, VA 23502

    (757) 461-3226


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